Winning Wooden Coaster 1st PLACE - Sun Razor & Fireball
John (aged 25 from the US) has used an amazing mixture of interlocking curves, dips, tunnels and pathways to create two winning rides. Both weave their way around themselves as well as between the pathways to and from the stations.
Ride 1: Unzipped Save Game (290Kb)
Zipped Save Game (72Kb)
Track File (1Kb)
Ride 2: Unzipped Save Game (290Kb)
Zipped Save Game (72Kb)
Track File (1Kb)

Second Place Wooden Coaster 2nd PLACE - Silver Streak II
For the third time running, Lee (aged 49 from the UK) has created another qualifying coaster. An amazing accomplishment considering there were over 750 entries into the Wooden design contest alone.

Unzipped Save Game (290Kb)
Zipped Save Game (72Kb)
Track File (1Kb)

Third Place Wooden Coaster 3rd PLACE - Orang-ou-tang
James (aged 17 from the UK) designed a curving wooden coaster which fits in many twists and turns into a tight area.

Unzipped Save Game (290Kb)
Zipped Save Game (72Kb)
Track File (1Kb)
If you want to download all the winning Wooden Coaster entries' save games and track files in one file, click here (230Kb).

©1999, Chris Sawyer. All Rights Reserved

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Download Notes:

To view the winning entries in full you will need to download the saved games so you can see all the elements of the ride like theming, ground level, etc. which effect the excitement rating.

The track file does not contain external elements like theming so the excitement rating will not be the same compared to when the ride was judged as a winning entry.

You will need the full version of RollerCoaster Tycoon to view these.