First Place Suspended coaster 1st PLACE - Mars Mania
Elliott (aged 35 from the US) has created two winning rides. The first looks remarkably innocent until it starts and then you realise it twists and turns all over the place.
Unzipped Save Game (290Kb)
Zipped Save Game (72Kb) Track File (1Kb)

Joint First Place Suspended coaster Wild Wanderer
Elliott's second ride has some very graceful humps along the way. Again, the ride manages to fit a lot into a small space.

Unzipped Save Game (290Kb)
Zipped Save Game (72Kb) Track File (1Kb)

Second Place Suspended coaster 2nd PLACE - Solid Gold
Steve (aged 16 from the US) designed an extremely fast ride without being too intense or nauseating. This ride may not be as themed as some other winners but the extreme, smooth speeds more than make up for it.

Unzipped Save Game (290Kb)
Zipped Save Game (72Kb) Track File (1Kb)

Joint Third Place Suspended coaster 3rd PLACE - Cairo Express
Joshua (aged 34 from the US) has built a fabulous Egyptian ride which maintains a high speed within a small area. It proves, if you can't build through a theme, just go under it.

Unzipped Save Game (290Kb)
Zipped Save Game (72Kb) Track File (1Kb)

Joint Third Place Suspended coaster 3rd PLACE - Fireball
David (aged from the UK) is back in the hall of fame again with a fantasic ride that weaves its way through the surrounding area. Imagine walking in through the entrance of a park where a ride curls under the entrance as soon as you walk in!

Unzipped Save Game (290Kb)
Zipped Save Game (72Kb) Track File (1Kb)

If you want to download all the winning Suspended entries' save games and track files in one file, click here (377Kb).

©1999, Chris Sawyer. All Rights Reserved

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Download Notes:

To view the winning entries in full you will need to download the saved games so you can see all the elements of the ride like theming, ground level, etc. which effect the excitement rating.

The track file does not contain external elements like theming so the excitement rating will not be the same compared to when the ride was judged as a winning entry.

You will need the full version of RollerCoaster Tycoon to view these.