Joint First Place Stand-up coaster 1st PLACE - Hanging Gardens
Michael (aged 22 from the USA) has designed a compact ride that doesn't let up. There are many inversions plus lots of twists and turns but the speed doesn't drop as a result. Plus, the garden theming works nicely.
Unzipped Save Game (290Kb)
Zipped Save Game (72Kb) Track File (1Kb)

Joint First Place Stand-up coaster 1st PLACE - Brutus' Revenge
Gonchar (aged 26 from the USA) has created an incredibly complex web of inversions and turns in the smallest area possible. Plus, all the action takes place over a lake so hold onto your loose change.

Unzipped Save Game (290Kb)
Zipped Save Game (72Kb) Track File (1Kb)

Joint Second Place Stand-up coaster 2nd PLACE - Garden Ghost
David (aged 15 from the UK) has been placed as a competition finalist before and this entry shows more of his design skill. This coaster is graceful but the most impressive factor is how it maintains its high speed.

Unzipped Save Game (290Kb)
Zipped Save Game (72Kb) Track File (1Kb)

Joint Second Place Stand-up coaster 2nd PLACE - Degeneration IV
Jonathan (aged 14 from the UK) has also been a finalist before. This coaster flows well and uses desert theming to really show off the black and red track.

Unzipped Save Game (290Kb)
Zipped Save Game (72Kb) Track File (1Kb)

Third Place Stand-up coaster 3rd PLACE - Wonderland
Michael (aged 13 from the UK) has built a fantasy themed coaster that twists and turns neatly between the multitude of themed objects.

Unzipped Save Game (290Kb)
Zipped Save Game (72Kb) Track File (1Kb)

If you want to download all the winning Stand-up entries' save games and track files in one file, click here (377Kb).

©1999, Chris Sawyer. All Rights Reserved

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Download Notes:

To view the winning entries in full you will need to download the saved games so you can see all the elements of the ride like theming, ground level, etc. which effect the excitement rating.

The track file does not contain external elements like theming so the excitement rating will not be the same compared to when the ride was judged as a winning entry.

You will need the full version of RollerCoaster Tycoon to view these.