The Go-Kart competition was amazingly tough to judge due to the large amount of fantastic rides. In fact, there are some noteworthy examples of particular techniques listed below which are available for download too.

IMPORTANT NOTE ON JUDGING: Winning entries are not selected solely on excitement rating alone. The most exciting rides are selected and then these are judged on style, theming, ingenuity, visual appeal and so on. In this contest, there were so many great entries that additional prizes have been awarded in addition to the usual 3 winners' places. (Note that there are no track files to download for a few of the rides as they were selected for their theming which can only be seen by viewing the saved game itself.)

First Place Go-Kart Ride 1st PLACE - Space Race
Casey (aged 14 from the US) has managed to build a compact go-kart track with excellent, coherent theming. It twists so much you wonder where it's going to pop up next.
Unzipped Save Game (290Kb)
Zipped Save Game (72Kb)
Track File (1Kb)

Joint Second Place Go-Kart Ride 2nd PLACE - Unnamed
Erik (aged 24 from the Netherlands) has created an amazing multi-level ride. Not only does it have a very high excitement rating, but it squeezes the maximum amount possible into its small area.

Unzipped Save Game (290Kb)
Zipped Save Game (72Kb)
Track File (1Kb)

Joint Second Place Go-Kart Ride 2nd PLACE - The Pharoah's 200
Tom (aged 36 from the US) used raised ground with brick sides and topped with palm trees to create traffic islands for the karts to weave between. This looks great plus it is very realistic, especially when combined with other desert theming.

Unzipped Save Game (290Kb)
Zipped Save Game (72Kb)
Track File (1Kb)

Joint Third Place Go-Kart ride 3rd PLACE - Granny's Journey
Simon (aged 17 from Sweden) has added some well constructed scenery to his ride. The attention to detail is very well done - take a look at the railings and lighting around the paths.

Unzipped Save Game (290Kb)
Zipped Save Game (72Kb)
Track File (1Kb)

Joint Third Place Go-Kart ride 3rd PLACE - Unnamed
Jamie (aged 15 from the US) created a small track but has made it interesting by theming the area well plus looping the track through itself many times.

Unzipped Save Game (290Kb)
Zipped Save Game (72Kb)
Track File (1Kb)

Joint Third Place Go-Kart ride 3rd PLACE - Kart Attack
David (aged 15 from the UK) has used hedges to create what looks like a hedge maze. However, unlike a hedge-maze ride, this one allows the go-karts to twist right through it. In addition, he has built a stunning Roman themed pool.

Unzipped Save Game (290Kb)
Zipped Save Game (72Kb)


Joint Third Place Go-Kart ride 3rd PLACE - Fool's Mate
Walter (aged 29 from the US) has used plants and hedges to create amazingly attractive sections of track much like a real public garden.

Unzipped Save Game (290Kb)
Zipped Save Game (72Kb)


Joint Third Place Go-Kart ride SPECIAL - The Phantom Menace
Finally, Jonathon (aged 15 from the UK) created a nice sweeping ride with lots of trees but the reason this ride was highlighted was due to the ride's name. He called his ride "The Phantom Menace". This meant that when you looked at Park Guests' Thoughts you would see the message shown here. Now that's funny AND topical!

Unzipped Save Game (290Kb)
Zipped Save Game (72Kb)

If you want to download all the winning Go-Kart entries' save games and track files in one file, click here (377Kb).

©1999, Chris Sawyer. All Rights Reserved

Select page to view:
Download Notes:

To view the winning entries in full you will need to download the saved games so you can see all the elements of the ride like theming, ground level, etc. which effect the excitement rating.

The track file does not contain external elements like theming so the excitement rating will not be the same compared to when the ride was judged as a winning entry.

You will need the full version of RollerCoaster Tycoon to view these.